Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Praise God!

Okay I know the title sounds a little preachy but I was looking for it to be uplifting. In case you were wondering why the Bear with the cap was so dressed up today, it's because I got a second job that will help to pay bills. Right now I'm told, I will have at least one day per week which will bring me to only 3 days a week, but it'll help pay the bills. So I praise Him for that. It's amazing how sometimes life makes you feel like it's turned a blind eye to you, but when you finally find that door of opportunity; Its' so much brighter.

So as for the first day of work, I was able to reach my goals, help some customers find gifts for their loved ones, and even got rewarded. My reward wasn't only the pay, but a pizza a customer gave to me for helping them. I may be reading to much into it, but it meant a lot to me when that nice woman gave me that slice. Lord knows I was starving by that time, and I thank her greatly for that token of appreciation.

I saw in a movie once that Acts of Random Kindness are truly what make this world go round. I know it doesn't make the world turn, but I know it makes it truly enjoyable to live in. It's always the humble things that make the biggest difference. An alcoholic was told by God to build a giant boat that floated for 40 days and 40 nights, and professionals built the Titanic. A Jewish carpenter told the world that he was the Son of God, come to save the world. Powerful men came up with the Spanish Inquisition and witch hunts.

I know that was a tangent, but I guess my point is to be humble. Your greatest moments can come when you break down and say "I can't take anymore, so let me try to give." I was given a humble pizza. I want to humbly give this blog and a prayer to all of you who read this, whoever you are, I pray God is watching over you. I hate to sound cliche', but even if you don't believe in Him, He believes in you.

I love you,


  1. Thank you for such an uplifting post! Congratulations on your job! Keep on keeping on! I think it is a good thing to remember to be humble and remember to be thankful for what you have and not worry about what you don't! Good luck with the new job!!!

  2. Today I experienced an uplifting moment in the doctors office. I was setting up an appointment for my next visit as the secretary was entering the information into the computer. The computer was stalling for some unknown reason. One of her colleges looked as if she was rushing out, while grabbing her purse and jacket. The woman that was helping me told the other about having trouble with the computer. The woman in the so-called hurry stopped in her tracks and sayed, "Okay, let's figure this out."

    This was very refreshing to hear in our self- centered and impatient society. I hear what you were saying about the "little things" in life that turn out to be BIG.

  3. Thanks Iron Bear..I needed that!!! I LOVE random acts of kindness but, they are so rare! You must have really made an impression on that lady for her to feed you. As far as I can tell (from in class) you tend to make an impression on everyone you come into contact with. God bless you Iron Bear!

  4. Great word Iron Bear. Random acts of kindness can really be a blessing to many people. I try to make that a habit. You never know when someone needs a kind word or a pat on the back. I know I have been very blessed by people who have done that for me in my life.

  5. Aww, how sweet, lol. I am a sucker for inspirational posts, so this one really touched me. I couldn't agree more that random acts of kindess make the world go round, and smoother. God is good. Congratulations on your new job!
