Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Is it strange...?

I have been reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince for the second time, because the movie will be out this summer, and, when I read it, one thing has remained the same. I'm in love with Ginny Weasley. I know its not natural by any sense, but, she has all of the attributes that I would find appealing if I had to choose the woman of my dreams.

First off, she is a little headstrong. Call me crazy, but I like a woman with her own ideas. If she can think for herself and bears a resemblance of intelligence, that usually catches my fancy. I'm tired of the model woman that go around on looks alone and when they speak; you feel like you'd rather drill a hole in your head. There's nothing to these people. Ginny, on the other hand, knows what she wants, and can say it, but is a bit shy going after it. I find that behavior kind of cute, but I'd rather she just go for it.

Next, Ginny is a nurturer. She will help out with any crisis. If family needs help, she helps out. If someones sick, she's there with medicine. She really isn't selfish enough to let it be about her. I like that fairer, delicate aspect about her. I wish I saw it in more women these days.

Ginny also has personality. She can show what she's feeling without a guy having to really guess. I like a woman to speak her mind, especially because I can't take hints. She isn't a downer either. You know, those people that suck the life out of the room? It's like she can use her own energy to liven up the room.

Ginny also has gorgeous red hair.

Okay, I have have a boyish crush over a literary character. I can't help it. She has all of the traits that I look for in a woman, but can't seem to find in real life. I admit, I lie a little. I have found them in some women, but they're either with someone, or not interested in me.

That leaves me with my final question. Surely, I can't be the only person this has happened to? I want to know. Have you ever fallen in love with a character that has never existed?


  1. Just in case you wanted to "girly" crush is the one and only Edward Cullen. I mean who is not in love with someone who refrains himself around you and yet you want him so bad at the same time. He is the ultimate gentleman that every young lady and woman would love to have in their life forever. And by the way...there is nothing wrong with having the boyish crush on Ginny - just keep re-reading the books and/or watching the movies and you will get to "see" her again and again and again, that is what I do...:)

  2. haha, that's cool man. And I hear ya, when you talk about those girls who have nothin but hot air comin out of their mouth. Some people only go skin deep, and yes, being attracted to someone is important, but that will only sustain a relationship for so long. But characters remain the same,I used to have a crush on wonder woman..haha..but I think everyone has had somethin like that.

  3. Well heck, the way you desribe her, I think I have a crush on her too. I have been meaning to read the Harry Potter books. I haven't found the time yet. I used to have a huge crush on Stephen Dorff. You know the bad vampire from the first Blade. I think I was in a bad boy phase. Now my heart belongs to Legolas and that golden hair of his. As far as literary characters, I read a series of books with this one detective in them. I always thought he was the perfect man. The strong, silent, sensitive type. Funny I don't ever go for that type in real life.
