Monday, April 13, 2009

Time does heal wounds

I'm not sure if I can really say "all" wounds, but I can tell you that I realized something on Easter Sunday. If you haven't read any of my earlier blogs, I am divorced. I got married on April 12, 2003 and then was divorced on June 13, 2005. June 13 is also 4 days before my birthday. In other words I got divorced on a Monday, and I turned 23 on that Friday. The kicker was that my ex called me on my birthday to wish me a "happy" one, yeah right.

So back to my previous thought I made it nearly the entire day Sunday when I was talking to one of my friends, and I saw a calender. I wondered why the day sounded familiar, but couldn't pinpoint it. Then like a flash of lightning, BAM! I realized I've gone the entire day without once thinking about her. My friend seemed sympathetic, and all I could do was laugh. As she looked a little worried about my outburst, I told her that was long ago. "I would have been married 6 years, and I have been happier these last 4 years without her, than the 2 years that I was with her." It just through me off and excited me that I didn't dread April 12 coming. I usually got depressed that day. I looked back over these last 4 years, and I was excited that I didn't care about April 12. This year however all I could think about the new things I've done, and the friends I have made since then.

I loved Easter this year.

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