Saturday, April 4, 2009

Random Things

First of all, let me say that I'm going to miss the blog. I'll try to keep it going, but it doesn't have the same urgency. It was nice to vent and know that someone was going to read it. I feel that it brought our class together somehow.

Second, I really hated this last paper. I'm not sure if it was pure laziness that I never got my second draft done, or I couldn't listen to a conversation I'd already heard. Maybe it was both. All I know is, I'll be happy if I don't do another literary journal for awhile.

Third, I really want the bonfire to happen. I think it would be great if we got together to let off steam when this class is over. Maybe we can print out copies of the papers we didn't like and burn them for release. I might be kidding, I might not be. You know, whatever.

Fourth, what is up with my fascination for vampires? I swear that if there was a vampire invasion I'm killing one of them and then putting their teeth into my skin. I know it sounds disturbed I always thought it would be cool to be a vampire. Their women are sexy.

Fifth, for that matter, what about zombie infestations? I'm going to do everything not to join them. I get tired walking as it is. I don't want to walk forever. I have swords and guns prepared for that day.

Sixth, why is it hard to get your dream job? I want to work in the film industry here, and it's like we have these huge lulls. I have my film degree, now let me get the money! I'm here Hollywood, I'm ready to help make these films!

Seventh, what makes a television show memorable? Is it writing, or acting, or a little bit of both? I've always wondered what makes people gravitate toward different shows? What makes them save an hour out of their life each week, just to find out what's going on in someone else's?

Eighth, how does hypnosis work? Why does it only work on certain people? What triggers a person to start clucking like a chicken, stop smoking, or remove all inhibition? I'm afraid that I will never have that ability because power corrupts.

Ninth, what is the meaning of life? The best that I have come up with so far, is that we are meant to experience as much as we can before we pass away. I'm not saying we should be self-destructive, but we should use our experiences to find out the things that we would enjoy. Our forefathers had it right. We are meant to have "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Tenth, I think this was one of my favorite classes. I have learned more about my classmates this semester than I have in any other class. I really enjoyed getting to know you and learning what make you tick. I hope to see you all again sometime!


  1. For the seventh subject, I was looking a the Dinosaurs TV SHow on Youtube and it is on of the most memorable shows I have ever seen. And it didn't necessarily have good writing or acting or maybe it did, lol. I have fun in this class, too. I also learned a lot about classmates like you said. I'm all for the bonfire, too. :)

  2. Awesome blog Ironbear! You know what is so funny- I don't even know your real name. Since that day in class that you volunteered to show us how to create a blog, I have known you as Ironbear. I have a fascination for vampires as well, I don't know why. I have also enjoyed getting to know you, I look forward to reading your blog every week. I just never know what I am going to find when I click on your link. I love it!! Good luck with your film career, I hope it takes off for you. It has been nice getting to know you!

  3. A random, interesting blog. Might even make a good segmented essay!

    We can do the bonfire as long as we have ground rules! I'm big on those. And you may bring the papers you didn't like and burn them in the fire!

    K. Smith
    Eng. 226
